
Abstract Guidelines

Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts

Late-Breaking Abstract Submission

Late-Breaking Abstracts are accepted for significant new findings in TDM or CT research obtained after the deadline of regular abstract submission.
Submission period: From May 1st 0:00 JST until May 21st 23:59 JST sharp
The program committee will review novelty and significance of the submitted abstracts. 
Only poster presentation is available for LB-abstract.
Authors presenting LB-abstract must register not later than June 30th, 2017.
Don’t miss the last chance to submit your abstract to the IATDMCT Congress.

Abstract submission for IATDMCT Congress 2017

  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Abstracts will be accepted for poster or oral presentation or can be rejected.
  • Abstracts must be submitted electronically using the Online Submission Form at the bottom of this page.

General Requirements:

The Scientific Program Committee invites the submission of abstracts on original work. Basically, abstracts can be submitted for consideration for a poster presentation. Some may be assigned as an oral presentation by the Committee. If you prefer a poster presentation only, please inform on the submission form. All successful abstracts will be published in the Congress App and will be published on the IATDMCT Congress website. Presenting authors must register before 31 May 2017.
Abstracts may be submitted on topics related to therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical toxicology. To be considered, each abstract must follow the required format outlined below. Additionally, each abstract must include sufficient data so that the reader can understand the study design, methods, results, and any conclusions that should be drawn from the study.
Non-members who wish to join IATDMCT or JSTDM can apply new membership. Please click the following URLs for details.


Critical Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Open             18 October 2016
  • Abstract Submission Deadline        28 February 2017      Extended to 14 March 2017
  • Presenter Notification                    30 April 2017
  • Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Open         1 May 2017
  • Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline    21 May 2017
  • Deadline Registration                     31 May 2017

Abstract Categories:

Please select one separately from Category A and B.

Category A

  1. Anti-Infective Drugs
  2. Anticonvulsant Drugs
  3. Cardiovascular Drugs
  4. Central Nervous System Drugs
  5. Immunosuppressive Drugs
  6. Oncologic and lmmuno-Oncologic Drugs
  7. Toxicant, Pesticide, Designer Drugs
  8. Other

Category B

  1. Alternative Sampling Strategies
  2. Assays
  3. Clinical Toxicology
  4. Drug Abuse
  5. Individualized Dosing
  6. New Biomarkers
  7. Pharmacogenetics
  8. Pharmacokinetics
  9. Pharmacometrics, Modeling & Simulation
  10. PK/PD, Concentration-Response Relationship
  11. Special Populations
  12. TDM Practice
  13. Other

How to prepare your abstract:

  1. The main text of the abstract (in English) should be 350 words or less not including the title, author names and affiliations.
  2. The abstract MUST describe the followings: Background/Methods/Results/Conclusions and Keywords (up to 6 max.)
  3. Please download the template below and prepare your abstract. Authors need to prepare Microsoft Word file to proceed to the online submission. Download the abstract template (click here).

Online Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is closed.

For any inquiries, please contact
Congress Secretariat of IATDMCT 2017
c/o JTB Communication Design,Inc.
Celestine Shiba Mitsui Bldg. 3-23-1, Shiba,Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-8335, Japan
TEL: +81-3-5657-0777 FAX: +81-3-3452-8550